Plan A

I have not come to Software Engineering via traditional route, i.e. I do not have Computer Science degree, nor was I a genious kid who was spending days on end in front of a computer writing programs. We didn't even have a computer. So it took a lot of determination to get to a level where I could build web applications, and when I got there it suddenly wasn't enough. I wanted my code to be beautiful, I wanted it to be robust and scalable. I felt responsible for my applications and this is when I started looking into ways of raising my own bar.

One of the options that I considered was a Masters Degree via an evening course. It appeared that having had industry experience would have qualified me for the programme.

The other option, ideal one, was to get a job at a company with an established culture of training. I did not know of any at a time but I heard they existed, so I started keeping an eye on this.

These were the options:

    Plan A:

  1. Get more practice
  2. Apply to the companies on the shortlist

    Plan B:

  1. Get more practice
  2. Apply for Masters

If you have read my other post, you would have gathered that Plan A succeded. My first day at 8th light was 2nd of March 2015. It was a good day.